Increase productivity the best social media accounts

Increase productivity with these 3 social media accounts

In the New York Times Bestseller Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how our environment affects our habits. Let’s say we want to get in the habit of exercising regularly. We can set up our physical environment to cue us to that habit by putting our workout clothes where we can see them. Similarly, we can set up our online environment. By being selective with the accounts we follow, we can curate our social media feeds to nurture the mindset and habits we want. Like increasing productivity. Here are some of my favourite social media accounts to increase productivity and optimize learning and overall wellness.

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1. Huberman Lab Podcast: optimizing memory, focus, learning, sleep, exercise and much more

The Huberman Lab Podcast is one of my favourite podcasts to increase productivity.

Dr. Huberman is a researcher and professor at Stanford University. He presents the latest scientific research in a way that’s easy to understand. Even if you don’t have a science background.

He covers many topics to optimize our nervous system and overall health. From optimizing focus & memory to balancing hormones and the biology of aggression & mating. He talks about everything.

He also invites a range of guests who share their research and experiences.

The best part is that he includes practical tools and protocols so we can apply that information in our daily lives.

For example, a spike in epinephrine and norepinephrine can increase our energy and focus. As a med student, I love hearing that because I need energy and focus for effective studying.

One of Dr. Huberman’s tools for increasing epinephrine is taking a cold shower. And that’s something I’m trying to incorporate into my routine now.

Even with guests, Dr. Huberman always inquires about their protocols. Like Dr. Wendy Suzuki’s exercise routine for attention & memory. Or how Dr. Samar Hatter optimizes the lighting in his home for good sleep.

Overall, this is a high-quality and valuable podcast. There’s something in it for everyone to help increase productivity in any area of life.

2. Kevin Jubbal, M.D. and Med School Insiders: study tips, productivity, & nutrition

Since Kevin Jubbal is also the creator of Med School Insiders, I decided to mention them together.

Dr. Jubbal left his plastic surgery residency in the US in 2018. He quit medicine to pursue his businesses and content creation full time.

On Med School Insiders, he creates quality videos about effective study tips and productivity. His videos were probably my first introduction to spaced repetition and Anki a few years ago. Which are a staple in my study routine now. In fact, I’m sure he’s shaped the study habits and life trajectory of many students over the years.

He also has videos about the pros and cons of various medical specialties, including lifestyle and salaries. I’ll be watching more of those videos over this year as I try to figure out what I want to do.

On his personal channel, Dr. Jubbal talks more about nutrition, fitness and education.

I particularly enjoy his videos about nutrition. His interview with Dr. Casey Means, co-founder of Levels, was game changing for me. That video made me realize the significance of blood sugar on day-to-day energy and performance, and long-term health.

Now I’m more conscious about the foods I eat and how I eat them. I’m also more mindful of how I feel after eating certain foods.

And I really want to try the Levels CGM (constant glucose monitor) device after seeing his videos. I want tangible data to see how my body reacts to different foods. I want to pick the right foods for me so I can optimize my energy levels and focus. And by extension, increase my productivity.

Overall, seeing Dr. Jubbal’s videos in my feed are always a great reminder of the things I want to be working on.

3. James Clear 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter: small habit changes for remarkable results

The latest addition to my arsenal of productivity accounts is the 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter by James Clear. Yep, he’s the author of Atomic Habits.

And although an email newsletter isn’t considered social media, his emails pop up like any other notification I’d see. But rather than draining my time, I always learn something from his emails.

In the newsletter, James includes 3 ideas from him, 2 quotes from others and 1 question for the reader. There’s always something valuable to learn.

And they’re a very quick read.

Whether it’s a reminder of the value of 5-minute actions or wisdom about anger vs. bitterness. There’s something in the email for everyone.

And if you don’t want emails, you can follow James Clear on Twitter or Instagram. He posts bits and pieces of the newsletter there.

I can’t recommend this enough.

Final thoughts

So those are some of my favourite social media accounts for productivity and overall well-being.

Of course, just reading a newsletter or watching a video won’t increase your productivity. But curating your social media feeds, where we’re spending an increasing amount of time, with the right content can create the momentum and mindset changes you need to take action.

Fortunately, most of these content creators are present on almost all social media. So you can follow them on whichever platform you use the most.

The great part about social media is once you start following any account, it recommends related content. So before you know it, your feed is (hopefully) filled with content that fuels you and adds value to your life.

What does your social media feed look like?


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