Reflecting on this year the best and worst moments of 2022

Reflecting on this year: the best & worst of 2022

While reflecting on this year, these are some of the notable moments that came to mind. From the best and worst moments to yummy moments, smart moments, and even unexpected moments. Plus some regrets. 2022 was certainly a very memorable year.

Best moments of 2022

Reflecting on this year, the best and happiest moments were returning from Grenada and first seeing my husband at the airport, and then walking into my home an hour later.

It’s hard to describe the sense of relief and comfort of being at home again with my husband.

Worst moment of 2022

I was lucky that my husband was able to help me move to Grenada at the start of Term 2. But it also meant taking him to the airport for his flight home.

Leaving him at the airport was hands down the worst moment of this year. I remember standing with him in the line before the security checkpoint until the last possible moment. Hugging him as long as I could. Watching him go through the doors. Then walking out of the airport and trying to collect myself before taking a taxi back to my apartment.

That was harder than any long study day or preparing for an exam. Even 4 exams. I tear up anytime I think back to that day.

Proudest moments of 2022

Reflecting on this year, my proudest moments were completing first year of med school on the Chancellor’s List without burning out and writing a blog post every single week.

Completing first year of med school

At the start of this year, I wasn’t sure what med school would be like or how I’d do.

Funny enough, in January I scoffed when I saw that you need at least 95% to make it onto the Chancellor’s List at SGU. I remember telling my mom that I was going to do my best but I wasn’t going to kill myself just to make it onto a list and risk burning out in the process.

And 12 months later, I’ve not only completed first year of med school but I made it onto the Chancellor’s List both terms. I studied and worked hard but I took care of myself and didn’t burnout.

Writing a post every week for one year

Reflecting on this year, it’s hard to believe I’ve managed to write a blog post every single week.

And I’ve posted late only twice. Once because of the Rogers service outage (do you remember that madness?). And the second time because I had just returned from Grenada and was too happy and tired to worry about the website. But I still got a post up for those weeks.

I look back at some posts and cringe at my writing. Other posts I still like.

But I’m proud of myself for sticking to it and being consistent. Especially because there was no external accountability. Only the commitment I made to myself.

And perhaps the funniest part (to me) is that I’ve realized I actually don’t hate writing.

Notable moment of 2022

Undeniably, the most notable moment of this year was living alone on an island out in the Caribbean. There are many aspects I don’t like about living in Grenada and it’s still surreal being there.

But I can’t deny that it’s notable that I’ve managed to live abroad alone.

Unexpected moment of 2022

The most unexpected moment of 2022 was landing a research opportunity at a big university in Ontario. I’m still grateful and amazed at the series of events that led to this opportunity.

I’ll post more details about the project in a couple months.

Yummiest moment of 2022

The undisputed yummiest moment of this year was trying kunefe/knafeh, a Middle Eastern dessert. My mouth is actually watering as I’m thinking about it now.

I tried it for the first time this summer at Barans Turkish Restaurant and can’t recommend it enough. I’m such a cake person but kunefe is one of my favourite desserts now.

Smartest moment of 2022

Reflecting on this year, one of the smartest decisions was using summer break productively.

The good thing about starting at a Caribbean med school with the January intake was having 2.5 months off for summer break.

That time off was important for resting and spending time with family. And also perfect for prepping for the upcoming term.

I’m so grateful to summer 2022 me for putting in that time and effort. That one smart decision made my life a lot more manageable over 4 difficult months on the island.

Regrets from 2022

My biggest, but only regret from this year is not coming home to visit during Term 2.

I know there were reasons behind this decision. It’s expensive to travel and it would have been hard to manage with all the studying.

But I wish I had tried harder to find a way around those issues.

Being home for Christmas has made me realize how much I missed home and how much I needed a break from the island. And it’s also been a reminder of the family and love I’m missing when I’m not here.

I really wish I hadn’t been away from home and my loved ones for so long.

Final thoughts

So those are some of the big moments from reflecting on this year.

What are your memories from 2022?


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