Medical student

Why I’m excited to start medical school this year

Having both worked in the corporate world and been a student within the last couple years, I can comfortably say that being a student is amazing. I could never have imagined saying that when I was in undergrad but working has given me this (much needed) perspective. With my classes starting on Monday, here’s why I’m excited to start medical school this year.

1. Excited to be a student again

Being a student is very freeing. I only realized this after working. Yes, there’s the pressure of doing well, especially when you’re investing so much money. But you’re only responsible for yourself. And you’re constantly surrounded by friends who share similar goals and challenges. There’s a comfort and support in this collective struggle. Furthermore, what you learn, what you make of your education is largely on you. You’re not answerable to colleagues or bosses, unless maybe there’s a group assignment. And that is very liberating. Also, this will probably be the last time that most of us will be students. Not to mention, residency comes with its own set of challenges. So, it’s best to enjoy this time and experience while we can.

2. Excited to be surrounded by students

I was one of the youngest staff members in my office. Working with older co-workers, I was able to learn a lot from their wisdom and experiences. However, most of them were at a stage where they were comfortable in their lives. There wasn’t much learning or growth. I worried that this mindset would rub off on me. And at times, I considered staying in the corporate world and climbing the ladder, despite the fact that I didn’t like it. So how could I possibly think like this?

Upon deeper reflection, I realized that I wanted to take the easy way out. I was really good at my job, and I knew how to handle the different personalities around me. I was comfortable. And that scared me. I’m too young for that. Too young to shy away from the more challenging task of pursuing my big dreams. This comes with a greater risk of failure but that’s what youth is for. To pursue experiences that help you reach your potential. As you can imagine, I’m relieved to soon be around students again. Around young, ambitious people to push me in my goals and let me believe that anything is possible.

3. Excited to start my medical journey

Having waited so many years to get to this point, I’m relieved to finally begin my medical journey. One aspect that I’m looking forward to is testing my own potential. Seeing how I adapt to the different challenges ahead. Seeing if (and how) my experiences and lessons from the last few years translate to medical training. And while medicine is a challenging career path, it’s also a relatively clear path. I know what I’ll be working on and the milestones I need to hit in the upcoming years. There’s a comfort in that.

I’ll write a future post about how my actual experience compares with these expectations.

For now, I leave you with this. What are you looking forward to this year?


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