3 reasons why I'm attending medical school online
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Attending medical school online: 3 reasons why

Fortunately, my medical school has given students the option to attend classes in-person or study remotely for the January 2022 term because of the ongoing pandemic. I’m attending medical school remotely this term and here’s why.

Online medical school helps save on living costs

It’s no secret that attending medical school in the Caribbean is very expensive. My tuition alone over 4 years is upwards of $200K USD. By choosing to study remotely, I can save several thousands of dollars in living costs like rent, travel and groceries to name a few. At some point, I’ll have to attend classes on campus so until then, I’ll save for those expenses.

I can stay close to family

My family is everything to me – my support system, my cheerleaders, my advisors, my source of laughter and comfort. Although I’m ready for medical school, I’m not mentally ready just yet to leave them behind. The recent passing of my grandfather has really taught me to cherish as much time as I can with my loved ones. So if I can stay close to family for a little while longer, it’s a no brainer for me.

One change at a time

Finally, medical school is a big life change in and of itself. It’s rigorous and all-consuming. Now, add to that moving out to a completely new place. By studying remotely for first term, I can really focus on getting into the rhythm of classes (I’ve been out of school for a few years) and getting used to the fast pace of medical school. Then next term, if I have to move to the island, I can focus on and enjoy that transition without worrying about academics since I’ll have a good routine in place.

If you’re in school right now, are you studying remotely or in person?


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