Medical school

Why attend a top Caribbean medical school?

After a few unsuccessful cycles in Canada, and a failed last-ditch attempt applying to the US last year, I finally decided to apply to a top Caribbean medical school. Here are the considerations that went into my thought process and ultimate decision to attend medical school abroad.

Consideration #1: Wait time

Although I could probably apply to the US again, I didn’t want to wait another year before starting. Because the top Caribbean medical schools have multiple intakes during the year, I began to seriously consider this option over the summer. On top of that, the application process turned out to be very straightforward, so it was easy to follow through. There was an option to apply using an AMCAS application, so I uploaded my PDF from the 2020-2021 cycle.

Consideration #2: Competing with US students for residency

There’s always been the worry about having to compete with the American students for the same residency spots. But I’ve come to terms with this. Especially having seen multiple Canadian students successfully graduate from top Caribbean medical schools and secure residency in the States. Some even in Canada. If they can do it, I can do it too. Ultimately, I know that the effort I put in during medical school, combined with some luck (there’s always an element of luck) will determine where I end up. Like many other things in life.

Consideration #3: Where to practice after residency

I always hated the idea of having to practice in the States. But I don’t mind it anymore. I’ve realized that the US market is so much bigger than the Canadian market, which means a lot more opportunities. So, if I’m not able to practice in Canada right away, I’m ok with that. Although I’m not entirely sure what path I want to take, I know for sure that becoming a doctor is just the starting point for me – not the end. I’m thinking beyond clinical practice as a doctor. I want to use my training and platform to do more. And surprisingly, I think being in the States can help me achieve these goals. Or at least get started.

Other Considerations

I also had all the obvious concerns. Do I want to put myself and my family through this? Is it worth the debt and stress I’ll be taking on? Should I pursue something else? While I considered several options over the years, I wasn’t satisfied with any of them. I usually ended up circling back to medicine. Luckily, I have a very strong support system in the form of my family, which made it easier to take this big step. As for costs, I had researched funding options at the schools and knew I would qualify for a large scholarship. What I didn’t know was that I’d also receive an institutional loan from the school when my bank loan was denied. This pretty much sealed the deal for me. You can find out more about my institutional loan here.

Final decision

Ultimately, attending a Caribbean medical school makes it possible for me to pursue medicine – which is what I’ve always wanted. I know I’m in the right mindset for this challenge. More than that, I believe in myself. I know that I have the right skillset and work ethic needed to succeed. So rather than put it off any longer, I’m taking this viable option that’s in front of me to start my medical journey. And I know I’ve made the right decision.

What considerations went into your decision when you were selecting a medical school?


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